Unprecedented events that happen in your life are all miracles. They can be in any form of challenges, gifts, accidents, meetings with strangers or anything which is unexpected. Uebert Angel also believed in miracles. He predicted the death of the first President of Autonomous Region of Bougainville, Joseph Kabui. He is said to have also predicted the death of Michael Jackson and Margaret Thatcher as well. It's hard to believe but it's true.
Miracles happen in their own time. They do not happen according to people's wishes. They have their own charm. It is miracle only that brought Uebert Angel into the world of stardom. He was a simple prophet who never thought to become so popular. He first performed the miracle in Botswana where he earned a handsome amount of money.
Another such example of miracle is when the Angel stretched out his hands and placed them on the female congregant’s belly causing the woman to fall down and go into labor. The lady was immediately taken to the hospital where she delivered a boy. Later she named him Uebert. This miracle gave a new life to that lady which made people believe in God's miracles.
Once he was called to South Africa, where he performed a miracle which made all the dysfunctional electrical gadgets work again. Thousands of TVs, mobiles and computers came to life. A car dead for two years was restored to life adding to the list of miracles that Uebert Angel performed.
All the above-cited examples are quite enough for anyone to believe in miracles. Still in doubt? Visit Angel and experience the power of miracles.
Many of us know that miracles happen but often fail to understand that miracles happen in their own time and not according to anyone's wish. Prophet Uebert Angel has been associated with miracles because he genuinely has a list of miracles that he has performed. I would recommend everyone to go through his website and experience the power of miracles.